Chemical and Biological
ChemBio Barrier Laminates for Defense
Warwick is an innovator and leader in engineered fabric solutions for chemical and biological defense, offering broad laminate technology and adhesion expertise in advanced lightweight textiles and durable protective coatings.
Chemical and Biological Protective Shelters
Warwick's research and development activities focus on identifying new materials and processes that generate lightweight chemical and biological resistant laminate structures for both passive and active chem-bio defense, as well as protection from toxic industrial chemicals.
As experts in adhesion science, Warwick has created chemical and biological resistant laminates for tents, frames, and temporary inflatable structures, including durable, lightweight medical shelters.
Passive and Active Barrier Laminates for Defense
Warwick's chemical and biological materials have been developed for Natick Soldier System Center's Shelters Technology, Engineering and Fabrication Directorate (STEFD) and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).
Warwick has successfully created reliable, impermeable barrier materials that meet the US Department of Defense's demanding specification for CBPS (Chemical Biological Protective Shelters) and JECP (Joint Expeditionary Collective Protection). We are also working to develop rechargeable, active chemistry laminates that reliably destroy chemical and biological agents.