Heat Seal for Fabric Laminates
High Performance Textile Bonding
Heat sealed fabric assembly systems are often the key to high performance fabric laminates.
At Warwick, we have developed bonding solutions that optimize our advanced flexible laminates in high-strength, low-mass applications, including inflatable aerospace structures and chemical biological soft-sided structures.
Benefits of Structural Heat Seal for Fabric Laminates
Ability to create hermetic gas-tight joints
Can be used in 2,000-3,000 lb./in. materials
Capable of operating continuously at temperatures above 140°F and below –150°F
Fabric joints can be verified with nondestructive methods
Warwick's heat sealed fabric laminate assemblies are available for the following roll goods:
High Strength Joints
Heat sealed fabric laminate systems can provide high-strength joints for demanding applications. Warwick's fabric bonding methods typically result in joints stronger than the base materials.
Where other heat sealed fabric laminate joints can act as the weakest structural point, our bonding method complements the fabric web and enables the maximum performance of the fabric substrate.
The combination of tape and bonding techniques of our fabric laminates enhance the tear and damage tolerance in the joints. Properly formed structural fabric joints allow for a greater range of applications.
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